Pricing @ Chip + Birdie’s

Our mission is to offer a sanctuary for golf enthusiasts who seek a private and serene space to focus on the game. We’re not just a virtual golf club; we’re a community that values sophistication, inclusivity, and the pure joy of golf.

Become a Monthly Member

Exciting $108 Package!

Two hours of golf included per month. Additional hours only $55 more. Indulge in a top-notch golfing experience where every swing feels like magic.

Become an Annual Member

Unbeatable $1,200 Deal!

Two hours of golf included per month. Additional hours only $50 more. 24/7 facility access. Your ultimate golfing adventure awaits at Chip + Birdie’s!

Bundles for Rainy Days

Exclusive $200 Bundle!

Buy a bundle of four hours and save them for when you cannot go out on the course. The bundle is perfect for a New Jersey rainy day!


Mens Golf League — $300

Six weeks of golf and 18 hours of fun for only $300. Can’t make the social play? No worries, you have the rest of the week to log your round.

Ladies Golf League — $300

Chip and putt league for six weeks! Play with your favorite gal golfers once a week. Can’t make the social play? You have the rest of the week to log your round.

Learn From The Best @ Chip + Birdie’s

Derek W. McDonald

Joshua Marseille